How to solve mask acne?

Wearing masks for a long time has caused many people to suffer from repeated acne. I didn’t get a lot of acne before, so why did I start to explode after wearing a mask?

What exactly is acne?

Acne, the scientific name "acne", is an infectious inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicle, which often occurs on the face, chest and upper back, where sebaceous glands are densely distributed and sebaceous secreted. Most of the sebaceous glands open at the hair follicle opening. Once the hair follicle opening is blocked, the skin is prone to inflammation under the stimulation of excessive sebum metabolite fatty acid and the over-proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes in a closed environment.

The direct cause of acne is the excessive secretion of oil and excessive keratinization of the hair follicle sebaceous ducts, which leads to the shrinkage of the hair follicle opening, the clogging of the ducts, and sebum accumulation. These two conditions provide fatty acids and an anaerobic environment for the acne bacteria to accelerate their reproduction.

Why wear a mask to get acne

Disposable masks are generally divided into three layers: the outer layer is a water-blocking layer, which can block splashing liquid; the middle layer is a filter layer, which can effectively block particles; the inner layer is a water-absorbing layer, which can absorb water vapor from the wearer's mouth and nose.

Taking off the mask many times a day, adjusting the mask up and down countless times, will virtually increase the chance of skin contact with bacteria on the hands or the surface of the mask, and because the mask covers our face for a long time, a lot of water vapor will be attached as we breathe, and it will be relatively airtight. In the environment, the temperature and humidity will be relatively high, forming a condition that is conducive to the reproduction of facial bacteria, and it will also increase the overflow of skin oil and sweat.

If you are oily skin or acne-prone skin, then wearing a mask will make the entire face environment worse, and the bacteria in the skin hair follicles will multiply and increase rapidly, turning the original non-serious skin problem into acne-prone face

How to prevent "mask pox"

 🌻 Change mask frequently

Change the mask frequently. Do not change a mask for a few days. Avoid using a mask for a long time. Wearing a mask for a long time will cause the environment between the face and the mask to be humid and hot, which will cause acne. Outside, otherwise it will not only fail to protect it, but it may also cause skin discomfort.

If symptoms such as acne, redness, rash, etc. appear on the face, you can apply some ointments, such as zinc oxide ointment, zinc boron ointment, etc. If the condition is serious, you need to seek medical attention.

🌻 Avoid squeezing acne

Although the exclusion of acne fat plugs is beneficial to acne healing, mechanical squeezing with hands or devices is not recommended, because the squeezing can easily cause the fat plugs to squeeze into the dermis and cause further deep inflammation, and it is easy to leave pigmentation. People with scars, especially those with scars, should pay more attention to this.

🌻 Pay attention to ventilation

If you are a friend with sensitive or acne-prone muscles and need to wear a mask for a long time, you should take off the mask every 2 hours in a well-ventilated place with little traffic to make your face “permeable”

Daily care for acne

In the treatment of acne, in addition to paying attention to the correct medication, daily nursing work is also very important.

🌻 Adjust the function of the digestive tract

Chinese medicine believes that the digestive tract is not functioning well, and the spleen and stomach are damp and hot, and steaming the skin will make acne worse. Therefore, the stool should be kept unobstructed, which is conducive to the excretion of damp heat and toxins. At the same time, you should also eat more whole grains and foods rich in fiber, such as celery, beans, loofah, and cabbage.

🌻 Pay attention to sun protection measures

Once the ultraviolet rays in the sun pass through the acne wound and directly penetrate the epidermis, black spots will be formed on the wound site. Even after the acne disappears, it will still leave burn marks like dark spots. If you are worried that the sunscreen is too oily, you can apply a facial tissue on your face after applying the sunscreen to absorb the excess oil. In this way, it will not affect the function of sunscreen, but also prevent the burden of grease.

🌻 Pay attention to daily life

Usually try not to stay up late, and also pay attention to the diet, drink less, eat less spicy, greasy or high-sugar foods, because these will increase the oil on the skin and aggravate acne.


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